Saturday, December 22, 2018

Around OakMeadows

Kittens are exhausted from creating so much mayhem. 

Yesterday was the winter solstice so the days will ever so slowly lengthen. I always remember the old saying that “When the days begin to lengthen, the cold begins to strengthen.” So relatively warm days like today will be few. 

We went to do the grocery shopping very early this morning because I did not want to be in the shopping madness of the Saturday before Christmas. It worked out very well as there were only a few shoppers there and they were as intent on getting their shopping done and getting home before the madness prevailed as I was.  

The kittens are absolutely darling. No need to buy toys for them (although I do). Just wad up a piece of paper and toss it across the floor for them and they bat it, and chase it, and steal it from each other having a blast. Long strips of fabric are also immensely entertaining. But the sweetest thing is when they are tired and climb up in my lap to sleep. 

Perfect timing: The Saturday before Christmas both the dishwasher and garbage disposal are on the fritz. Maybe I can get someone out on Monday. Maybe. 


eileeninmd said...


Cute kitty photo. I will stay away from the stores and crowded parking lots till after Christmas. I wish you and your family a very happy Christmas. I wish you all the best in 2019, Happy New Year!

Hootin Anni said...

Isaiah's favorite is a knotted sock. He chews it- claws it- totes it! lol (I love cats). Yours are sweet!

Happy holidays to you & yours!

Cindy: Long Time Blogger said...

You cats are adorable! Enjoy them.
I did most of my shopping online. Even the returns. I hope I never deal with crowded holiday stores ever again.
Happy New Year & Merry Christmas, Florence.