Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Around OakMeadows- Sick Dog Edition

My sweet Angie

Last night around midnight our sweet little dog, Angie, started coughing. She coughed and coughed.  It sounded like something was stuck in her throat but she coughed up nothing. She coughed off and on for the rest of the night. This morning I called the vet and made an appointment to see the vet this morning. When I described the symptoms, the receptionist asked if Angie had been boarded recently. I said yes that she had been overnight at Camp Bow Wow.  She then said it was probably kennel cough. This means that she would not be able to be boarded while JMM is in Italy. Since JMM leaves in 3 days, I am in a scramble to figure out how to take care of her here at home. Arrgghh!!!
Update: Angie does have Kennel Cough. She gets doxycycline twice a day and cough medicine 4 times a day. I can get her medicine in her by mixing it with various things she likes, scrambled eggs, Fancy Feast, buttered chicken, etc. Awesome Paws is coming once a day to take her for a walk and I will take her out for a driveway p&p 3 more times. The main problem to be solved is what kind of leash will work with my hand weakness. We have 2 days to get that figured out. 

My sweet dog really doesn’t feel well. She has periods where she just lays on her bed and snoozes and then she has coughing spells that last 2-3 minutes. She eats very little but she does eat and doesn’t throw up when she coughs. This is supposed to last about 10 days.  So I guess, 1 day down, 9 to go. 


eileeninmd said...


So sorry Angie has the Kennel Cough. We used to have our dogs get a vaccine before going into the kennels. Some kennels requested that the dogs have the vaccine before coming to be boarded. Enjoy your day and week ahead.

Wisewebwoman said...

Oh the poor wee thing. It's such a helpless feeling watching animals suffer isn't it. I remember my beloved Ansa would stand facing into a corner when she was sick as if she was ashamed. It would break my heart. I would just go over there with her and hug her and stroke her. As she was a rescue I had an awful feeling of how she was treated before I got her.

May Angie thrive and blossom once again.


Hootin Anni said...

Oh...I wish I could come & help you out. Our furabies are family! Hope she begins to show some improvement soon! Keep us posted.

Cindy: Long Time Blogger said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet dog. Hope all goes well. I know exactly how you feel. We love our dogs as if they were our children (personally, I think they are!)
Keep us posted.