🔥Resistance. Every. Day.🔥
Sent emails to Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I am concerned about the Republican tax plan. I want to advocate for poor, hardworking Americans who need cuts more than corporations and people earning over $200,000 per year. Advantages like pass-throughs, estate tax breaks, and write-offs for charitable giving only benefit the most affluent. I expect to see your support for an ethical, fiscally-responsible tax plan that helps our struggling neighbors, not Trump Tower cronies. Thank you.
Sent Thank You to OMB Dir. Mick Mulvaney for his memo reminding senior officials to honor their fiscal responsibility to taxpayers by choosing commercial travel over private charters—even when approved and within the law. I appreciate your respect for hardworking Americans.
🔥Resistance. Every. Day.🔥
Called Rep. Pete Olson and Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I am calling because funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program lapsed this Sunday, Oct 1 which risks leaving 9 million kids without coverage. I expect you to act quickly reauthorize CHIP funding and protect kids’ health!
🔥Resistance. Every. Day.🔥
Sent postcards to Rep. Pete Olson and Senators Cruz and Cornyn:
The president’s bullying of San Juan’s mayor, Carmen Yulín Cruz, on twitter is insensitive, antagonistic, and disgraceful, especially in light of the climbing death toll. I would like you to make a public statement condemning the president’s words and expressing support for our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico.
P.S. Can you believe he tossed rolls of paper towels to people whose homes had been destroyed?? Just incredible!!
Sent Thank You cards to Sens. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Mark Warner (D-VA):
Thank you for holding Jared Kushner’s feet to the fire on his undisclosed email account. I appreciate your thoroughness and persistence in getting to the bottom of what happened in the 2016 elections, including the role the president’s son in law may have played.