Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Around OakMeadows

Around OakMeadows

Joe and I will sometimes go for many months without going to a theater to see a movie, mostly because there is nothing showing that we want to see. This month, though, we have seen two. First we went to see Ghostbusters.  I had really looked forward to seeing it and having a good laugh.  As we were watching, and eating our hot dogs, I kept waiting for it to get funny and it just never did.  The best I can say is that it was mildly amusing.  A disappointment.  The second movie was Star Trek Beyond.  My DD had seen it and was less than impressed so I went with lowered expectations. Maybe it was the lowered expectations, but I found it surprisingly good.  There was, of course, way more Boom-Blast-Zap-Argh-Oomph than I would have preferred, but it was very entertaining. And it gave me another opportunity to eat another thoroughly not good for me movie hot dog.  

I watched Monday night's DNC and loved all three speakers. Michelle Obama was beautiful and intelligent and gracious, as always.  Elizabeth Warren, well, she is so real and down to earth and intelligent and spunky that I just love her; maybe the second woman to be POTUS?  And last my dear, rabble-rousing Socialist, Bernie.  He just said all that needed to be said with such utter conviction that I had tears in my eyes.  What a Senate Majority Leader he could be! I missed Bill Clinton's speech and the others on Tuesday, but I sure won't miss President Obama this evening.  Oh how I am going to miss his steady leadership! (If you can't be civil, please don't leave a comment.)

Lots of Gulf Fritillaries this week, a couple of Monarchs, one swallowtail, and lots of skippers.  I'm having to put fresh water in the birdbaths twice daily and fill up the hummingbird feeders twice a week.  Nothing out of the ordinary in the bird category.  
We got some much needed rain which also cooled the temperature down.  

I have decided to move my blog to TypePad, probably over the weekend or the first of next week.  I'd rather not have to do this but I cannot get any help from Blogger about the photo problem and I am tired of not being able to post new photos. 

So that's all the news from OakMeadows where the cats nap in the afternoon and so do the people.  

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