Saturday, July 18, 2009

Quilt Update

I finished piecing the quilt top today. It is an Amish Cross pattern. It is not a pattern that I will use again because the pieces are just too tiny for a person with CMT to work with. The pieces are 1.5 inches square and 1.5 by 4.5 inches. I have come to the conclusion that I cannot work with anything smaller than 4 inches. Anyway, I have the borders all ready to stitch onto the top. After that I can layer the backing, batting, and top, baste it all together and be ready to do the quilting. (One of these days I will learn how to attach photos to my blog...)
And yes, I am planning my next quilt top--It is going to be baskets with flowers. I think I will piece the baskets and applique the flowers and quilt in bees and butterflies. Many details to be worked out...


Anonymous said...

When you are writing your post, if you look above the box you will see a line of icons. ne of them is a photo. I think it is the 2nd in from the right. Clcik on it and then you will see the 'browse' button. Click on browse and look for the photo you want to upload. If you have a PC it should be in a photo folder. When you find the photo, click on it. Blogger will tell you when the photo is done being uploaded (PS-I always choose the 'left' side.....the choices are on the right). Once done, click OK and voila your photo will be there.

There is a way to bring the photo down lower or place it somewhere else, but just try uploading first.

Good luck.

Florence said...

What a sweetie you are to take the time to tell me about how to do the photos. I am in the process of moving my photos from the old computer to my new one and am looking forward to posting some of my quilts. Thank you!!!