🔥Resistance. Every. Day.🔥
Sent email to Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I am asking you to consider only SCOTUS nominees with a solid history of upholding the rights of women, people of color, people with disabilities, our LGBTQ neighbors, Native Americans, aspiring Americans, and workers. I also expect you to do everything in your power to block extreme, biased, and unqualified nominees. Equality and fairness matter. Thank you.
Thank you note to Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE):
Thank you for introducing anti-discrimination legislation in response to prevailing American values. Despite the current president’s bias and recent SCOTUS decision on the travel ban, I still believe in an America where everyone is free from discrimination. Thank you for looking ahead to a brighter future.
Address: 1105 N. Market St., Suite 100, Wilmington, DE 19801-1233
🔥Resistance. Every. Day.🔥
Notecard to Rep. Pete Olson:
I don’t understand why congressional Republicans are shredding the social safety net for people in need. Shoring up a federal deficit should never come at the expense of our country’s most vulnerable. I want you to oppose cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and SNAP in the 2019 House Budget.
Thank you.
Thank You note to Republican Members of Congress for publicly opposing child internment in opposition to the current president’s priorities. Immigrants make our communities better.
Rep. Ralph Abraham: 2003 MacArthur Dr., Bldg. 5, Alexandria, LA 71301
🔥Resistance. Every. Day.🔥
Called Rep. Pete Olson and Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I would like you to support the bipartisan Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R. 2978/S.1419) which ensures that every American can fulfill their responsibility to vote. Thank you.
Thank You note to Senator Lamar Alexander:
Thank you for publicly opposing child internment in opposition to the current president’s priorities. Child internment is monstrous.
Sen. Lamar Alexander: 167 North Main Street, Suite 1068, Memphis, TN 38103
🔥Resistance. Every. Day.🔥
Called Senators Cornyn and Cruz and sent email to Rep.Pete Olson:
I’m calling to express my support for the FAMILY Act (S. 337/H.R. 947) that provides for family leave. However, this Wednesday, the Senate Social Security, Pensions and Family Policy subcommittee will debate alternate family leave legislation that forces new parents to draw down their earned Social Security savings. I would like you to co-sponsor the FAMILY Act as written, and reject alternatives that compromise retirement.
Thank you note to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA):
Thank You for standing up to bullying on behalf of all Americans—even those who don't currently need your help. You inspire me to keep working for justice, fairness, and a better America.
Address: 10124 South Broadway, Suite 1, Los Angeles, CA 90003
🔥Resistance. Every. Day.🔥
Sent emails to Rep. Pete Olson and Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I’m concerned about the president’s new task force seeking to deport naturalized citizens. It’s a dangerous trend: First DACA and Dreamers. Then legal refugees and asylees. Now passport-holding citizens. Our 20 million naturalized citizens are Americans. Why is my tax dollar funding this anti-immigrant, mass-deportation agenda and what are you doing to stop it? Immigrants are my neighbors and friends. You must halt this deportation agenda.
Sent Thank You note to Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor:
Thank you for your dissent of the SCOTUS majority decision allowing discriminatory Proclamation 9645 to stand. I appreciate your thoughtful and passionate attention to this decision and its impact on Muslim communities and constitutional freedoms.
Address: US Supreme Court, 1 First St NE, Washington, D.C. 20543-0001
🔥Resistance. Every. Day.🔥
Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan
Address: Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 500 12th St. SW, Washington, D.C. 20536
I believe that our nation has a moral responsibility to protect children and treat them with basic decency, regardless of immigration status. The inhumane practice of separating children from parents as an immigration deterrent must stop. We must reunite these families before the assigned deadline.
As a taxpayer funding this egregious neglect of duty, I urge you to take full and immediate responsibility for ensuring children’s well-being and safety. Keep families together. Stop locking them up. Reunite them immediately.
Thank you note to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) for introducing the Fairness for Farmworkers Act to provide US farmworkers with overtime protections when working more than 40 hours a week, and eliminate exemptions to the minimum wage for farm workers. Thank you for working to extend basic standards to those who produce our sustenance. No farms, no food!
KH: 333 Bush Street, Suite 3225, San Francisco, CA 94104
RG: El Pueblo Community Center, 101 W. Irvington Road Buildings 4&5, Tucson, AZ 85714
🔥Resistance. Every. Day.🔥
Sent letters to:
HHS Secretary Alex Azar
Address: Office of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201
Acting Assistant ACF Secretary Steven Wagner
Address: Administration for Children and Families, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201
ORR Director Scott Lloyd
Address: Office of Refugee Resettlement, Mary E. Switzer Building, 330 C St SW, Washington, D.C. 20201
I believe that our nation has a moral responsibility to protect children and treat them with basic decency, regardless of immigration status. The inhumane practice of separating children from parents as an immigration deterrent must stop. We must reunite these families before the assigned deadline.
As a taxpayer funding this egregious neglect of duty, I urge you to take full and immediate responsibility for ensuring children’s well-being and safety. Keep families together. Stop locking them up. Reunite them immediately.