Thursday, December 10, 2015

Around OakMeadows

The goldfinches have arrived.  I saw a single goldfinch last week so I knew the rest of the crowd would be arriving soon.  We got the thistle feeders filled and hung just in time.  We have a flock of about 20-25 of these beautiful little creatures.  They will be with us until March and we will keep them well fed with sunflower and thistle seed.  Love them so much.

I was at the dental office yesterday for a routine teeth cleaning.  When I asked my dentist about his children, he told me that his 4 year old daughter has a tumor on her optic nerve.  It is benign/noninvasive but is growing and damaging her optic nerve. Due to the location, it is inoperable 
and radiation is not advised so she is undergoing 80 weeks of chemotherapy. Yes, 80 weeks. She is now at week 30. So far she is tolerating the chemo. The tumor is not growing and has shrunk some but she is now legally blind in her right eye. It was all I could do not to cry while he was telling me about this.  

For my birthday last weekend we drove to the Kimbell Museum for an exhibit of the Impressionist Gustave Caillebotte.  The Houston Museum of Fine Art has one of his paintings that I have always loved so I was very pleased to learn that a whole exhibit of his work was coming to the Kimbell.  It was lovely. But I still love the painting at Houston MFA best of all. 

I have finally finished the quilting on the baby quilt.  Next I need to trim and bind the edges.  I have a goal of doing 3 quilts next year: 1 baby quilt, 1 scrap quilt, and 1 quilt for my DD & SIL. 

1 comment:

Rambling Woods said...

Oh why? A four year old.. Oh why?