Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Covid-19 Update

Covid-19 is certainly running rampant here in Texas. ICUs here in the Houston area are at 97% occupancy.  I am not really surprised because many people have assumed that since businesses, parks, and beaches were open, the virus was gone and life could return to pre-pandemic states. Wrong. The virus is still here and we still have no immunity to it, no vaccine, and no miracle treatment for it. JMM and I have been under no illusions about it and have remained quarantined.  Covid-19 may be with us for a long time before a safe and effective vaccine is available. 

The economic damage this virus is costing is just incalculable. Unemployment is at Great Depression levels and as federal and state unemployment money runs out, people will become homeless as they are evicted because they don’t have the money for mortgages or rent. Very few people have the savings to live without a steady income for very long.