Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

As the oil in the Gulf spreads, as the birds and dolphins die, as the economic consequences unfold, as government and BP executives are blamed, isn't there somewhere we are forgetting to look for the ultimate responsibility for this disaster? Don't we want cheap oil? Don't we want to rid ourselves of goverment regulation? Why would we want to spend tax dollars on safety inspections or disaster preparedness? Hmmm, where, oh where does the blame really belong?
(While we are thinking about where to look, let's consider where we are currently pouring our nation's talent and treasure and if it is possible that we are not using it wisely.)


Cowtown Pattie said...

Serious and painfully true points to ponder, Florence...

Florence said...

Pattie, it just breaks my heart to see how we are squandering our beautiful earth and wasting lives and futures.