Sunday, August 4, 2019

We are not helpless.

Three mass shootings in one week. Only in America. Really, no other developed country on earth has anything remotely like this. Why? We are awash in guns, semi automatic guns, and large capacity magazines. Why? Because so many of our elected officials have been bought and paid for by the gun lobby. 

In watching or reading the news, I see people expressing their grief, anger, and feelings of helplessness to stop this madness. But we are not helpless. II can be stopped. We do have a choice. The choice is to continue with the same politicians or take a minute to determine your Senators‘ and your Representative‘s stand on gun control legislation. If they have been bought and paid for by the gun lobby, work like hell to unseat them. Find candidates who will pass rational gun laws and support their candidacy— send a contribution, volunteer to stuff envelopes, canvas a neighborhood. IMHO, votes are more effective than thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I think the NRA has too much power over our politicians. The T.rump hate rallies do not help, he incites trouble. So sad, prayers do not seem enough.
