Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Small Pleasures

I love Ronni Bennett’s wonderful blog, Time Goes By.  A recent post was about some of her favorite small pleasures so I thought I would list some of my small pleasures. 

My greatest small pleasure is when my daughter and her dog come over on Sunday. We eat Chipotle burritos and watch HGTV home remodels and read or chat or take a nap. We walk the dogs and play with the kitten. 

I’ve been retired for several years now but it still gives me such pleasure to be able to wake up slowly.

Buying things from the Refugee Services of Texas Amazon Wishlist.  

My Housecleaners. 

Reading a good book. 


Watching birds at the feeders and butterflies in the garden. 


  1. Small pleasures are great! I wish we had the Whataburgers.

    Enjoy your day and week ahead.

  2. The first one (a lazy day with your daughter) sounds like a *great* big pleasure!!! And My Yoga class leader (teacher? guru?) in Florida (she's a woman in our age-range) starts the class sometimes by inviting us to think of some small thing for which we are grateful. She says she starts each morning off like that. I have not progressed that far! (Not before my coffee!).

    Waking up slowly is still high on my list also and I am sure I've been retired longer than you have!!! I haven't read that column on Ronnie's yet .... must go catch up. I'm very behind.

  3. Talking with my daughter for hours on the phone.
    Seeing my African violets all bloom at once.
    Postcards/cards from friends
    Library emailing me to tell me a requested book is in.
    Relief from pain some of the time.

    Hey, none of these cost money.



  4. I may have already commented, but even if so thinking of small pleasures is definitely worth a second read and second comment. Maybe I just read this post and got sidetracked before I actually sent my thoughts! (Getting sidetracked seems more common every day, the older I get). Anywaaay, good books, simple meals, birds, quiet days, crossword puzzles, other people’s gardens, ....living simply in small spaces! Thanks to you and Ronni for the reminders to be grateful!
