Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Galveston Island Birding Trip

JMM and I are native Galvestonians and very much enjoy going back to go birding.  It is especially nice in the fall and winter( but the spring migration can be outstanding too.) Here are some photos from a recent birding trip.


Snowy Plover

Least Sandpiper



  1. What a great way to see and photograph birds! I love the ones you shared. In answer to your question on my blog (you don't have your email showing on your blog, so I can't email the answer), the waters around New Zealand are always cold, at least to me! People swim in the summertime, but I'm sure it's because they are used to it.

  2. wonderful images! that plover is my favourite! have a beautiful day!

  3. Great collection of beautiful birds and photos. Enjoy your day!

  4. I just love the plover -- and all the birds really and admire your skills in IDing -- those little shore birds can be so hard for me.

  5. Beautiful photos of beautiful birds, Florence! It must have been a wonderful day in the sun, seeing the birds.

  6. Sounds like a super place to see shore birds. Ye, I am jealous!

  7. Love the osprey... Wonderful place to visit as my sister did when living in Texas... Michelle
