Monday, November 16, 2015

Around OakMeadows!

Ah, November! I can finally work in the yard without being drenched in sweat! When we were at the Texas Butterfly Festival we saw some hanging pieces of wood with something smeared on it that attracted butterflies. JMM inquired and found that it is Butterfly Bait. (Ripe bananas, brown sugar, and  brown beer.) We got the recipe and Joe made two small feeders and a batch of Butterfly Bait this morning.  I'm not sure how effective it will be in the cooler temperatures now but we shall see.

I made the Beautiful Roasted Vegetables from PW's Dinnertime cookbook and it was fabulous! I firmly intend to keep a bowl of roasted vegetables in the fridge at all times. You can pick the veggies to suit yourself and the season, roast a whole bunch, and keep them in the fridge to eat with breakfast, lunch, or dinner. So delicious!

I had my annual physical last month and the doc wanted me to follow up with 3 things:
     1.  Home sleep study -- done!
     2. Mammogram -- done today!
     3. See surgeon about hernia repair -- appointment is tomorrow 
I will be so glad to get all this out of the way!

I am inches away from finishing my quilt!! I'll post a picture as soon as I do. This one has taken about twice as long as I had anticipated.  

I'm currently reading Ted Koppel's new book, Lights Out. Wow, I had no idea our nation's power grids were so vulnerable to cyberattack!  It's got me wanting to store food, water, and ammo. Well, maybe not ammo.  We are still reading through Deep South by Paul Theroux and enjoying it as long as he sticks to his trip and the people he meets.  

We were able to get the lift installed in the van last Friday.  It is one that power lifts the scooter and then powers it out and then lowers it.  Very nice but rather slow. However, it was needed because I simply cannot swing the scooter out without losing my balance.  Anyway, it is nice to be a bit more mobile.  The good news is that I can fill out paperwork for a refund of the sales tax on the vehicle and a rebate from Honda since it has been modified for handicapped and the total reimbursement will be just enough to cover the cost of the lift. Yea!

That's all the news from OakMeadows where the cats are all extraordinarily affectionate now that the weather has turned cold. (Cold for us but not what those in the north would call cold at all!)


  1. hello, I love roasted veggies, they are delicious. You sound like you have been very busy getting things done.. I am looking forward to seeing your quilt. Have a happy week ahead!

  2. I'm glad things are getting done at your place--it makes a difference in your state of mind.
    Thanks for the butterfly food recipe. I'll have to try it out soon.

  3. I saw a funny picture on the Internet of an Arizona person all bundled up in a Parka saying 'it is 60 degrees, we're gonna freeze to death!'.... In Texas and Florida it is the same thing don't you think? (We're still in Oregon and my blood has thinned out from our Florida winters and I'm freezing at 58.)

    I hope the hernia surgery goes well and it does help to get all those other things out of the way for sure.

    We enjoy roast vegetables -- , I never thought about keeping the bowl in thefrig like that -- a great idea.

    In answer to your comment on FT-Life, there are quite a few covered bridges in this part6 of Oregon. Next year, I'll try to include a few more pictures of them.
