Sunday, October 9, 2011

That Used to Be Us by Thomas Friedman

Thomas Friedman hits all the right points in listing our national problems—Energy, Education, Debt,  Jobs.  He accurately describes the problem, gives a history of the problems, gives concrete examples of the problem, tells why it is a problem. And then he discusses solutions for the problem—which is the problem with the book.  You see, Tom, if human nature were as good as it would take us to be to implement these solutions, we wouldn’t be in the frigging mess we’re in in the first place.  If you are an optimist, Wow, you’re going to be bowled over by the terrific solutions to all these national problems.  If you are a crabby pessimist like me, well, it just isn’t going to happen....which is a real shame.


  1. The reason why we are in our current mess is because the liberals finally got their 30 year chance to implement their progressive dreams into practice.

    What looks good on paper, never turns out well in effect.

    Dont like Tom Friedman. Sorry. But he's a very good writer.

  2. The decline in manufacturing, the low academic achievement in schools, our foreign oil dependence, and our national debt have all been a long time building.
    And we can agree that TF is a good writer but sometimes has his head in the clouds. LOL.

  3. Speaking as a fuzzy headed liberal who learned to work the system, let me say I still think it's a rotten system. I applaud the Wall Street protesters and hope for a worldwide challenge to the capitalist greed that is destroying us.

  4. Come on Hattie, don't hold back--tell us what your really think!! LOL!!!

  5. Above all, let us find someone to blame. It was not anything any of us did! In fact, affixing the blame is far more important than solving the problem!

  6. In assigning blame, it is important to choose someone who while not creating the problem is at least trying to do something to alleviate it. It is also a very nice touch to block every path possible for the person being blamed from accomplishing anything at all.
