Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Retirement 5 months in

One of my more annoying habits is to make a decision and then beat myself up because I didn't decide the other way.  It wouldn't matter when side I chose, I would look at all the benefits of the other side and berate myself for not chosing the other side.  Anyway, I can honestly say that I have not once, not for one minute, wished that I was still working.  That amazes me because I was very proud of my profession, I worked at a prestigious institution, and if I say so myself, was darn good at it.  I had often thought that I would be bored or lonely without my work.  Ha! I love being busy at my quilting, reading another chapter, cooking something new, watching the birds at the feeder.  I am busy without being pressured and I love it!  I'm not lonely because I've never been one that has to have others around all the time.  I see my family about as much as we all want to see each other, I'm in a really good book club, there's a quilt group that I can drop in on if I want, and I see my church friends almost every week.

One thing that I am wondering about is DH.  He is still working and I am wondering how we will rub each other once he retires??  I love him dearly but too much togetherness may grate.  I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. I love being retired. My husband has promised to quit working when he turns 70. He works mostly at home and travels some, but I think it's time for him to become a real retired person.
    It's enough. We have what we need and can get by fine.
