Thursday, January 14, 2010

It is over, thank goodness!

I had my colonoscopy this morning and Dr. Dobbs removed 2 more polyps. It has been an unpleasant 24 hours with the prep and the procedure but it is over and I am very thankful that I have the means to take preventative care of this situation. I am also thankful for my dear husband who drove me there, waited for me, and drove me home.

Oatmeal allergy?? I am convinced that I have developed (or maybe always had) an allergy to oatmeal. As soon as I stopped the every other morning bowl of oatmeal, the allergy symptoms literally disappeared.

It is a rainy day and just about perfect for an afternoon nap with the cats. Baked potatoes and apple turnovers for dinner.

Thought for the day:
Liberty is the prevention of control by others. John Acton

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