Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The day before The Day

My colonoscopy is tomorrow and as unpleasant as that is, I think the day & night before it is worse. Clear liquids today and that wonderful gallon of liquid plastic tonight...Ack!

On the good news side though is the weather has finally warmed up to normal--low about 40 and high about 60. My kind of weather. I don't know how the people up north stand the freezing temperatures for months!! I guess they feel the same way about our summers though.

It is 19 days until the house is paid off. I need to call the mortgage company and get an exact pay off figure. I can't wait!!!

I am listening to Benjamin Franklin by H.W. Brands on a set of The Modern Scholar CDs. I really am enjoying it. I love his Patience DoGood letters and of course Poor Richard's Almanac. I'm just coming to the Revolutionary times. So interesting.

Well I am off for a nice cup of broth for lunch...

Thought for the Day:
Well done is better than well said - Ben Franklin


  1. Good luck with that procedure. I'm liking your book choices, too. What is it about being an older reader? I used to live for fiction and now I have to force myself to it. Nonfiction, however, pulls me hard these days.

  2. Thank you Nance. On occassion I find good fiction but more and more I too am drawn to non-fiction.
