Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Around OakMeadows

Around OakMeadows

We went to see Mockingjay Pt. 2 and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I've read several reviews about it that were rather negative but I would give it a 4 out of 5 stars.  And I love Jennifer Lawrence.  And she chose the right guy in the end. 

Thanksgiving was good. JMM and I make Turkey and Cornbread-Sausage dressing. We've made it so many times that it's easy and delicious. Daughter and SIL came and brought really delicious mashed potatoes. She used an herb infused butter and heated the cooked potatoes so that they were very dry before adding the milk and butter. Anyway, delicious! It was a very pleasant afternoon.  

Christmas: I have decorations stored in 5 plastic tubs.  None of my decorations involve climbing on anything to put them up.  I don't do a tree, much to my cats dismay.  So Christmas decorating is a simple, easy, pleasant task. I can admire other people's finely decorated homes but have no desire to do more.  As for Christmas shopping, I'd just as soon give everyone a hug and a gift card but JMM felt so deprived as a child that he loves opening Christmas presents.  So I shop online. 

Books: I finished Lights Out by Ted Koppel and wrote a review of it. Good book.  We are still reading Deep South by Paul Theroux. We are about 3/4 of the way through it. I have no idea what we are going to read together next.  I'm currently reading Wildwood: A Journey through Trees by Roger Deakin -- not sure if I'm going to finish it or not. 

Yesterday I did all the preregistration for my hernia repair surgery on December 14.  I'm not looking forward to it but it needs to be done. The surgeon is planning to do it by laparoscope so there will not be a large abdominal incision. And there is a robot involved but I'm not sure how.  Modern medicine.  

Politics is interesting as always.  The GOP candidates are just appalling. And we seem determined to stay at war in the Middle East with one country or another.  There was another shooting in Colorado; sad to say but it is just another shooting and nothing will be done. 

The weather has turned cold (for us) and wet.  Good for staying inside cooking, cooking, and reading. We have one hummingbird still coming to the feeder.  I wish he would move on south where it is warmer and there are more flowers.  

We are driving to Fort Worth on Friday to the Kimball Museum to see an exhibit of the work of Gustave Caillebotte.  I've always loved the one painting of his that is at the Museum of Fine Art here in Houston so I am looking forward to seeing more of his work.  Then we will be driving back on Saturday. 

Well, that's all the news from OakMeadows where the cats sleep on the electric blanket 24/7 and the people are all bundled up. 


  1. We will have to decorate and provide gifts & all, because both daughters, son in law and four grandkids will be here with us in Hawaii. But with so many hands, it will be light work and lots of fun.

  2. I can't wait to see Mockingjay Part 2... We have so much in common

  3. Hattie, you will have a wonderful time and then be thankful for the peace and quiet after they've gone home! LOL!!

    Michelle, I hope you enjoy it too. Yes, we do have much in common! Love of nature and good movies are only two of them.
