Monday, July 14, 2014

What's Blooming around OakMeadows

It is HOT! HOT! HOT! But there are several things that are blooming.

First the crepe myrtles are at their best around the 4th of July. Love 'em!! And you can see that big old Texas blue sky with white puffy clouds.

Next we have the clematis.  We planted these because the Gulf Fritillary butterflies love them.  I think they have the most interesting blooms.

Finally, we have Gomphrena.  This is the first year we have had this heat loving prolific bloomer.

And I can't leave out the magnificent magnolia with its heavenly scent.

What's blooming around you?


  1. Report from Hawaii:My cousin has the most beautiful and biggest crepe myrtle I have ever seen, and it's in full bloom now. It's years and years old. We have one magnolia in the neighborhood; It struggles a little here, probably from salt spray, but has beautiful blossoms now and then.
    The most striking tree in bloom now is our giant royal poinciana, with its orange/red blossoms.

  2. Lovely blooms and colours Florence.
    The Clematis looks more like a Passiflora (Passion Flower).

    Many thanks for visiting the Butterflies on my blog. I have just posted a collage of the colours in my garden (last image) here:

  3. Beautiful flowers. So fresh and colorful.
