Monday, July 21, 2014

Kitten Update

Animals that come from shelters frequently come with viral infections. So although I was hopeful our two little bits of purring fur would be spared, I was not surprised when Henry stopped eating Friday.  We took him to the animal hospital Saturday and sure enough, he was dehydrated. They ran fluids under the skin and encouraged him to eat. They kept him at the clinic so that our other cats wouldn't be exposed. But as of this morning, he is still not eating.  They were going to feed him via a tube. I don't know if poor Henry is going to make it or not.  
The other kitten, Duffy, had to go to the vet today because he has some drainage from his nose and left eye. He had 3 kinds of parasites, a viral infection, and a secondary bacterial infection. So he has been de-wormed and we have 2 medications to give him.  He is a lot stronger than Henry so I expect he will recover.  My worry is that the two older cats have been exposed to the viral infections.  We shall see.


  1. Oh so sad when pets are sick. I am keeping my fingers crossed that both will be well soon. -- barbara

  2. Oh dear... That is always my concern bringing in a new kitten. I hope they both recover....poor little things

  3. Well, everyone seems to be on the road to recovery but I do feel like I am running a cat clinic because the two littles each get two medications daily. Tiny little Henry is eating about a teaspoon of canned kitten food at a time but he is eating it very frequently. The two older cats show no signs of catching anything from the littles.

  4. I'm glad your babies are better.
