Friday, July 11, 2014


 1. Spiritual
     Daily meditation
     Daily reading

2. Physical 
     Exercise 12 minutes 6 days
     Healthy breakfast and snack

3. Quilting
     Finish borders and start binding4. Reading

4. Reading
     The Guns of August by Rick Atkinson
     Real Food by Nina Planck
     The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan
5. Cooking
     Fruited chicken salad
     Fish chowder
     Slow Cooker Beef Stew

6. Home
     Door prints
     Start looking for linens

7. Personal
     Macy's -- wristlet

So how did I do last week:
Goals for the week ending July 11, 2014

1. Spiritual
     Daily Bible Reading--done.
     ABF/Church--not done.
2. Physical
     Exercise 5 days 12 minutes--not done.
    Healthy Breakfast & Snack--done 5 days. 

3. Quilting
     Borders--finished 3 of the 4 borders.

4. Reading
     The Guns at Last Light by Rick Atkinson. -- in progress.
     Life after Life by Kate Atkinson. Audio CDs. -- Finished. Excellent
     A Rather Lovely Inheritance by C.A. Belmond.

5. Cooking
     Oven Baked Fish, Oven Roasted Carrots/thyme, Cabbage--done.
     Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup--done.
     Steak, GMP, Green beans--done but had sausage instead of steak.

6. Home
     Print Rome door photos--not done. Must nag JMM.
     House painter - decide which and sign contract--done. Painting to commence 7/28/2014.

7. Personal
     Make Yosemite reservations--done. I am going to enjoy this soooo much.


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