Thursday, May 10, 2012

Weight Watchers

Last week I lost 1.4 lb.; total lost 13.6 lb.; weight 161.    3.4 lb. more to meet my 10% goal. One day at a time, 26 points at a time.

I am finding that I am a volume eater---to feel satisfied, I need volume.  It can be a veggie tray, a bowl of fruit, or a bowl of popcorn. I don't like the WW food that they have for sale because 1.) It's ridiculously over priced 2.) For the points, I can make myself a much bigger volume of food. 3.) It's full of preservatives, artifical flavors & coloring, and other chemicals. No thanks. As Michael Pollan said "Eat real food, not too much." and that's so true.

This week I'm going to try jicama and mangos. Never eaten either one.


  1. Good for you. It isn't easy, but so worthwhile to get that weight into a healthy range.

  2. Another good week for you.

    I happen to be fond of both jicama and mango. I hope you enjoy both.
