Tuesday, May 8, 2012

1 Year Anniversary

This is my first anniversary of retirement.  It has been a good year.  I had always wondered if I would be bored or lonely in retirement.  I am happy to say that I am much too busy to be bored and my church, family, quilting guild, and fellow rosarians give me just the right amount of social life.  I've enjoyed reading and with my iPad and Amazon's One Click, let's just say that there's always something wonderful to read!

The really truly very best thing about retirement is that there is no hurry, no pressure to get this or that done, so that I can rush on to the next thing that needs to be done.  For example, yesterday I needed to take my van in for a safety inspection sticker.  I settled in with my iPad to read and wait; it was done in 20 minutes but it wouldn't have bothered me if it had been an hour. Nice.

Do I miss the income? More money is always nice but we have more than enough.  So far we haven't really missed my income.  In January, 2013 JMM will start drawing his Social Security and in December, 2013 I will start drawing mine.  We will start drawing from our 403b accounts when JMM stops working or goes part time.

All in all, I am loving every day of retirement.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds heavenly. I'm a quilter too, but I haven't had much time in the past year. I've a couple of incomplete projects and loads of ideas. Good to hear you have time for the things you love.
