Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Around OakMeadows


This morning we had an early morning (8am) HEB curbside pickup for some items left off last Saturday’s grocery list—grapes, bananas, whole wheat bread, and my small canned Cokes. So I went along and we stopped at McDonald’s for an Egg and Sausage Biscuit to share with Angie. We talked about the strange things people believe to be true these days. I’m convinced that the Internet is responsible for the vast majority of it but still people do believe the most nonsensical things.

Yesterday was a grim day in that there are now over 300,000 Covid deaths in the U.S. The good news is that the first round of vaccinations has begun. I have no idea when Joe and I will be eligible for vaccinations but I should think that by March, we will have been vaccinated. Speaking of strange things people believe, there are those who will refuse being vaccinated for one reason or another. (There are valid reasons such as allergic reactions, immunosuppression, etc. for not receiving the vaccine.)  Anyway, I hope enough people will be vaccinated to induce a herd immunity. We shall see.

It is cold and dark with more rain expected. Needless to say, the cats are exceptionally affectionate. The fact that I have a heating pad on my lap is a major reason for.their recently acquired devotion to me.

I am reading two really outstanding books. A Promised Land by Barack Obama is just wonderful. He writes just like he speaks so it’s like listening to him. The other is The Ministry of the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson. I normally detest science fiction but this is so interesting (about the amelioration of climate change in the coming century) and well written that the 563 pages don’t daunt me.

Leftover Beef and Barley Soup and Joe’s bread machine bread toasted and buttered. I have put a container with 2 more servings in the freezer. Such a good meal for a cold, dark, wet evening.


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