Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Around OakMeadows

Library Books

As you can see, I’ve been to the library. If you can read the titles you know that I’m looking into Cooking and Quilting. I have a goal next year to make one new recipe each month; I think it is nice to change up the menu a bit. The quilting books are to inspire me to use some of my fabric stash by making some scrap quilts. 

We went to see Knives Out today and it was very enjoyable. One of the pleasures of retirement is being able to go to movies on weekdays when it is not crowded at all. We even had hot dogs and popcorn.  

Yesterday we had our annual physicals. No real issues—I still need to lose weight and my BP is still moderately high. I will stay on my same dose of Lisinopril for BP and Myrbetrig for overactive bladder. JMM gets to decrease his dose of Lisinopril and stop the niacin but he is needs to start tamsulosin for his urinary problem.  On the whole, we are doing quite well for 72 year olds. 

The weather has been a bit cooler which is a welcome relief. I watch the news about the heavy snow in the northern states and am thankful that I don’t have to deal with it. We are still having butterflies (a few Monarchs, Gulf Fritillaries, Queens, and today a pair of Common Buckeyes) on our Blue Mist.

That’s about all the news from OakMeadows where the cats are super affectionate with the coming of cooler weather and the people are stuck in the recliners with sleeping cats on their laps. 


  1. Hello,

    It is a great idea to try new recipes. I was waiting for reviews on the movie Knives Out. Hubby and I usually go to the movies during the week too, afternoon show times are not crowded at all. We have a dusting of snow here, I wish I was seeing butterflies. Wishing you a happy day!

  2. Don't you just love the library? I've always known how wonderful it is, but never personally experienced our public library until I saw the total I spent on books last year. Yikes! I couldn't keep doing that on my teacher's retirement and remembered that I had a library card that a PR person for the library "forced" me to get one day when I was in a branch.

    This year I have checked out over a hundred books and enjoyed just how easy it is to request and pick up books at my corner library branch. I wish you well with your cooking adventures. I'm experimenting with my new oven.
