Saturday, January 19, 2019

Favorite Things

I regularly enjoy Dkzody’s Weblog. Yesterday she put up a list of her favorite things. And this got me to thinking about all the things that make me happy. So here are some of my favorites. 

Favorite things (in no particular order):

Cat napping on my lap
Breakfast or lunch at HoP
Beautiful music
My family
Starbucks hot chocolate 
Making the very last payment on something big
Beautiful sunrises and sunsets
The smell of rain on the earth
The sound of rain on leaves
Learning something new and interesting 
Coming home after a trip
Laughing at something really funny
Fresh, crisp, clean sheets
Reading a really good book. Better yet discovering a new author with a whole series of books. 
The sounds of nature when there is no man made sound
Listening to Humankind podcast
The smell of something good baking in the oven
Birds and butterflies, especially identifying a species I’ve never seen before
Finding just the right fabric and pattern for a new quilt 


  1. Hello,

    Looks like a grreat list of your favorite things. Happy Weekend!

  2. It helps to keep joys and gratitude for them in mind in these days when despair for the state of our country threatens to overcome!
