Friday, November 16, 2018

Around OakMeadows

I love PBS and one of my favorite shows is Nature. The most recent program was on Squirrels. Did you know that there are over 300 species of squirrels? Tree squirrels, ground squirrels, flying squirrels. A squirrel’s teeth never stop growing to counter the wear and tear of their diet. A red squirrel’s teeth grow about 8 inches each year. Chipmunks can stash up to 7 nuts in their flexible cheek pouches.  Fox squirrels can bury up to 9000 nuts per year.  Flying squirrels can glide up to 150 feet which is half the length of a football field!!

I spent a good bit of time today straightening out of electrical and water accounts.  We have them on autopay to our credit card. For some unknown reason this month’s charge went to a previous card number and not to the current card. No idea why. The water bill was easy to correct and pay online. But the electric bill was complicated because the company is updating their website. I had to completely reregister but once that was done, I was able to pay and get that cleared up. Tomorrow I have to contact the septic system company because I was notified that the disinfecting mechanism needs repair. No idea what this will cost.  Last of all I got the bill for our property taxes. I’ve got the money and it will be good to have it paid for the next year. 

Angie is just about completely over her bout of kennel cough. She only coughs when she is excited which is every time the walker from Awesome Paws comes. She needs a bath. I need to make an appointment for her to be groomed; it will probably be after Thanksgiving.  

Not much progress on the quilt top. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Paying bills is no fun. I am glad your Angie is feeling better. I wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving.
