Sunday, October 7, 2018

Around OakMeadows

Beautiful clouds at sunrise. 

No mosquitoes this morning! I really take mosquitoes seriously since Bonnie had West Nile virus and spent two weeks in intensive care.  She has recovered but it was nearly fatal. 

JMM and I got the Slow Cooker going with Chicken with White Beans and Sausage this morning. It is one of my favorite Slow Cooker recipes. All I have left to do on it is add the cannellini Beans and Spinach about an hour before dinner. So good. And leftovers for several meals. The house smells wonderful. 

JMM is going to the Woodlands BBQ Festival. He is leaving here about 10:15. Chris runs two of these a year. 

A month from now we will know the results of the Midterm Elections. On one hand, I will be so glad to know which way the US is going, but on the other hand, I am worried that the ultraright is too firmly entrenched. I hope Beto and Sri can pull off a miracle and win. We shall see. 

I have my fabric ready to cut for the center strips for my new quilt which I am calling One Way. I bought some new fabric to bind the worn out edges of the Sampler quilt that TSMR has. I hope I can pay Karen Shively to do the binding. 

We did our quarterly financials and our retirement accounts are doing just great. I went against my own rule and put the new Heating and Air Conditioning on an interest free loan. I have the money in savings to pay it off but I have several big bills that come due before the end of the year—Property Taxes, Homeowners Insurance, and the HOA fees. So I will wait until after the first of the year and pay it off then. 


  1. Hello, we still have the mosquitoes here, it has been a wet year for us. Your slow cooker meal sounds delicious. I am really worried about the election! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  2. The meal sounds wonderful -- I am sending good thoughts to your state and everywhere for a blue wave, but like you am very worried. Even here in what is supposed to be solid blue Oregon, the republican candidate for Governor is running a close race with our incumbent. I think our house seat is safe though.
