Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Around OakMeadows

112 days until the midterm elections. I will be so glad when they are over so that I will know which way America will be going. If the country throws out the party of caged children and traitorous ties to Moscow, there will be hope. If not and the status quo prevails, we go down a very dark path.

I finished my Scrap 9-Patch quilt top and backing. JMM dropped it off at Quilter’s Emporium for KS to do the machine quilting and binding.  That finishes my goal of 3 quilts this year.  I have put 3 books on Scrap Quilting on hold at the library. I want to get some new ideas for next year and maybe get a head start on the tops.

We are having to replace our central air conditioning unit. They will be doing the installation on Friday. I know I survived growing up in Galveston without air conditioning but I simply don’t think I could survive it now. It is costing $13,385.  I have the money in my emergency fund but we are financing it for 36 months at 0% interest.  My plan is to pay it off early at $1000 per month so that I can leave my emergency fund in tact.

Still reading A Rising Man by Abir Mukherjee. It is excellent! The best fiction that I have read all year. It is a murder mystery set in India just after WW I.  The characters are so well drawn and believable and the plot is just murky enough but what I find so compelling is the history and the sense  of time and place.  Just excellent!

I’m group baking with the 9 week King Arthur Baking Challenge. Our first assignment is a simple Banana Nut Bread.  I have to get KA white whole wheat flour and 5 ripe bananas.  I have a perfectly good recipe for whole wheat banana nut bread but we shall see how this turns out.

It is too hot to go outside from about 9 am until dark. So I am rewatching The Crown on Netflix.  Love it!!


  1. I've made note of the book, sounds very intriguing. And big Sympathy on the cost of the A/C.

    I've longingly thought of A/C this summer as we heat and humidity in a province that never has it.

    And I hear you on the traitor. What shocks me most is the lack of any civic action. I think everyone's exhausted. I've always maintained there is a master plan and this is merely another segment. Testing the waters of outrage as Hitler did.


  2. Added the book to my wish list -- love a good mystery and especially a place-centered one. Agree with you 100% in hoping for mid-term elections and thank you for your resistance efforts. It must be hard to keep your spirits up with the elected congressmean your State has. Hard enough for me here in Oregon where we have mostly good ones. Although there are plenty of dissenters, so they have to work at it. Fingers crossed.

  3. Hello, I do love the murder mysteries. I will add this book to my list. I am with you on the mid-term elections. I do not wish my life away but I wish the election was tomorrow. I am glad that Maryland has mostly Democrats elected and most are good. Enjoy your day!

  4. That's an excellent idea if there is 0% interest...& saving your emergency moneys!! Yep, there is a need for AC in Texas tbis year.
