Monday, June 18, 2018

Around OakMeadows

Around OakMeadows 

Our 15 year old cat, Bandit, has been limping on his back left leg for about 2 months with it gradually getting more noticeable. The leg was not swollen and he was obviously not in any pain so I thought given time, it would get better. But it didn’t. So today JMM took him to the vet.  The vet says it is probably a torn ligament and there really isn’t anything to be done. I have to be sure to pick Bandit up 4 times a day and put him on the counter so he can eat and drink. He gets down by himself with no problem but he can’t get up.  This we can deal with.  

We are getting some much needed rain. And even better, the temperatures are about 10 degrees cooler. Yea! 

I finished reading The High Tide Club by Mary Kay Andrews. It was a surprisingly good summer read. No mental exertion required. 

The horror in Washington continues. I’ll tell you flat, I am tired of it. But I just cannot pretend it isn’t happening and just bury my head in the sand. This business of taking children away from their immigrant parents and warehousing them in cages in empty WalMart buildings or worse in tents in West Texas has been furious not just with the administration but with the people who still support it. It boggles my mind that this is going on today, in my country. I never, ever thought I would see anything like this. And , you know, I keep thinking, “What is coming next?” What will the next horror be?  It just doesn’t end and it is wearing me down. 


  1. Sorry about your kitty Bandit. I hope he feels better soon. I will look and see if my library has that book. I worry about the children and how they will be returned to their families. It is # 45's way of turning our country white and keeping immigrants out. It is scary thing about what could happen next.

  2. I don't know what the next horror will be, but I know it's coming I truly believe we have not seen the worst.

    Thank you for your kind condolences on the death of my good friend.

  3. Me too Florence. I cried reading about those children and continue to do so. And worse now with the latest news (since you wrote this post.... I'm back from traveling and catching up). The Supreme Court is going to ruin lives for generations.

    I hope Bandit gets better soon.
