Monday, May 21, 2018

The Fern House at the San Antonio Botanical Gardens


  1. Hello, I love ferns. They are so pretty and lush. What a great garden! Have a happy day and new week!

  2. I love catching up with you Florence. I loved The Alice Network, let me know what you think.

    Also your great menu planning and your side trips and photographs and activism and meditations.

    Food for much thought.


  3. There are beautiful ferns in Florida (maybe not as beautiful as your pictures) .... but even now in our 11th Season here, that fact still surprises me. When we first came here, I didn't really understand that Florida has a rainy season (in the summer) ... If it had only been palm trees and sand (like Miami) in this part of the state, we wouldn't have fallen in love with it -- it's the ferns that did it )))

  4. Lovely seeing these ferns.

    All the best Jan
