Friday, May 4, 2018

đŸ”¥Resistance Every. Day. đŸ”¥

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

Sent emails to Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I would like to encourage you to choose only high-quality, ethical nominees to serve our country. Andrew Oldham, nominee to the Court of Appeals, supports restricting voting rights, women's health care, and immigrants' rights. Gina Haspel’s past human-rights violations should preclude her from serving in the CIA, much less as its director. EPA Director Scott Pruitt has proven a poor choice for his cavalier spending of taxpayer dollars. I ask that you be discerning as each vote comes up in the Senate. Thank you.

Thank you note to Azadeh Shahshahani:
Thank You for work through Project South and advocacy for America’s detained immigrants. Your legal work, investigations, and writing are shedding light and helping liberate our neighbors. Thank you for your tenacious leadership. We stand with you.
Address: Project South, 9 Gammon Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30315

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

Email to Rep. Pete Olson and Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
April 10th was Equal Pay Day, the average date it takes for women in America to make the same wage as a white male in a year (99 extra days!). It takes even longer for Black women, Native women, and Latina women to make the same level of pay. In fact, Latinas are the farthest behind. At only 54 cents on the dollar for the same work, their Equal Pay Day is Nov 1st. I am writing to ask you to co-sponsor the Paycheck Fairness Act (H.R. 1869/S. 819) so that equal pay can be a reality for all. Thank you.

Thank you notes to 4 Republican Senators:
Thank you for voting for the bill (S. 1735) that protects special investigations of the president. It must be difficult to do something your party finds threatening, so I especially appreciate your leadership. Thank you for your service to our democracy.

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

Called Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
Call: Your 2 senators—red or blue (look up).
I’m calling in support of the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act (S. 1917). This bipartisan effort would reduce racial disparity in sentencing, decrease the expense of ineffective mandatory minimums, and increase judicial discretion in sentencing non-violent drug offenders. It also allocates funding for effective programs that reduce re-offending. Please co-sponsor S. 1917 and urge the Senate Majority Leader to bring the bill to the floor for a vote.

(Never thought I’d ever write a Thank You note to Jeff Sessions but these are strange times.)
Thank You note to Attorney General Jeff Sessions:
Thank You for not canceling legal-rights clinics for people detained in ICE facilities. I value treating immigrants with basic respect, and your decision is a step toward that goal. Years from now, our nation will be judged by its treatment of peaceful people seeking asylum in our country.
Address: U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

Thank You note to Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD):
Thank You for signing into law three bipartisan gun control bills that protect the citizens of your state. I especially appreciate you supporting a compromise that respects the 2nd Amendment while making people safer. Thank you.

Called Rep. Pete Olson and Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I believe that kids brought here as children are Americans. The president promised not to target Dreamers, but we have started deporting them and tearing them from loving families. This is unacceptable. I want you to be proactive in offering young people a path to citizenship, to prevent deportation, and to bring a vote on the Dream Act (H.R. 3440/S. 1615). We must protect these valuable members of our communities. Thank you.


  1. You're always so well-informed. I admire that.

  2. Good for you. I had to take a brief respite cotton the politics, but the primaries are here and I am ready to jump back on the wagon.
