Friday, May 25, 2018

Around OakMeadows


We went to see RBG. It is about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned so much about her.  I so well remember the bad old days when women couldn’t go to medical or law school, when women had to have their husband’s signature to buy a car or take out a loan, when abortions were done In unsanitary conditions by unqualified people. So much of what we take for granted today is due to the work of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  I am in awe of her exercise routine.  And I share her appreciation of opera.  I was touched by the crack in her voice when talking about her mother’s death when she was only 17.  An excellent movie, well worth seeing. 

I have been terribly upset about the policy of separating children from their parents as they cross the border into the U.S. seeking refuge.  But other than letting my elected officials know that I think this is an abomination and working to get people with more humanity in positions of authority, it seems that there is nothing I could do.  However, I have decided to go to the Refund Services of Texas Amazon Wishlist and purchase things on the wishlist for them. It’s not much but it is something.  

“The more time we spend on the Trumpian soap opera, the less likely we are to know where we are or what we should do.” David Brooks, NYT


  1. I have a lot of respect for the women who fought for the legacy freedoms I enjoy. I do truly feel equal to my husband in a way that didn't always exist I don't think.

  2. That is a GREAT THING you do Florence!

  3. Hello, I think Ruth Bader Ginsberg is an inspiration to all women. I have heard about her exercise routine, she is amazing. The Trumpian soap opera is one I wish was over, please cancel this show. Enjoy your day and Memorial Day weekend!

  4. I read the book 'The Notorious RBG' and was even more inspired by her than I had been. She is truly an inspiration. (And Dear God, may she live long and prosper!)......I'd like to see the movie, hope I can catch it when we get home (to Oregon).
