Wednesday, April 18, 2018

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

Called Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I’m concerned about efforts to turn back the clock on the Americans with Disabilities Act. H.R. 620 is now in the Senate and would burden people with disabilities with fighting for their right to access public spaces. It is wrong, and I want to make sure that you will not support this bill. 

Thank you note to Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and Carlos Curbelo (R-FL):
Thank you for calling for Scott Pruitt’s resignation. I agree that his actions—including accepting a lobbyist’s condo at a token cost—are unethical. Thank you for breaking with your party to stand up for ethical behavior.
Address (IR-L): 2206 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Address (CC): 1404 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

Called Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I'm calling to voice my support for common-sense gun reform. I am eager for you to take meaningful action to address gun violence. I would like two things. One is for you to oppose S. 446 which weakens protections from gun violence. Two, to oppose Howard Nielson for a lifetime seat on the United States District Court.. Thank you.

Thank you note to Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA):
Thank you for supporting equal pay in the workplace. Thank you for signing into law bills to close the gender pay gap, and to make it hard for employers to cover up workplace sexual assault and harassment. Thank you!
Address: Office of the Governor, PO Box 40002, Olympia, WA 98504-0002

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

Called Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I’m calling to oppose the judicial nominations of Kyle Duncan and Thomas Farr. People hostile to equal rights and voting access don’t deserve lifetime appointments. Should these nominees come to a vote, I expect you to oppose them. Thank you. 

Thank you note to Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ):
Thank you for opposing National Guard deployment to the Mexican border, and pressing against the diversion of funds from the defense budget to border infrastructure. This is both fiscally responsible and commendable. Thank you.
Address: 411 N. Central Ave, Suite 150, Phoenix, AZ 85004

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

Letter to Makan Delrahim, Assistant Attorney General:

I stand with the many Americans—Democratic and Republican—calling for increased scrutiny over a Sinclair-Tribune merger. Americans deserve independent local broadcasting. Thank you. 
US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20530-0001

Thank you note to Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell (D-WA):
Thank you for your letter to the FCC opposing the merger of Sinclair and Tribune. I appreciate your support of truly local news and encouraging an investigation into Sinclair’s practices. Thank you!
Address (PM): 950 Pacific Avenue, Ste. 650, Tacoma, WA 98402
Address (MC): 915 Second Avenue, Suite 3206, Seattle, WA 98174


  1. Hello, it seems we are being taken back 40-50 years. All the progress our country has made is lost. There is so much to fight for! Thanks for all you do.

    Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. Thanks Florence. I'm going to check what our Oregon senators did on that media merger. Sinclair is evil.
