Tuesday, January 9, 2018

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

Sent Postcards to Rep. Pete Olson and Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I am concerned about the numerous and credible allegations of sexual assault by the president. I would like the Justice Department to lead an investigation into his conduct. 

Called Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I’m calling about the nomination of Thomas Farr to a lifetime appointment to the US District Court. His history of defending voter suppression and targeting minority voters makes him unfit for this position. I would like the Senato to oppose Farr’s appointment. 

Sent contribution to Beto O’Rourke campaign. 

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

Emails to Rep. Pete Olson and Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
I am concerned about the president’s demand for an $18 billion wall in exchange for protecting DACA youth. I want to be clear: his idea is wasteful, ineffective, and offensive to American values. I want you to refuse fund any aggressive immigration tactic including a wall, 10,000 new ICE agents, and more stringent asylum requirements in exchange for Dreamers’ futures.

Thank you note to Senator Dianne Feinstein:
Thank You for calling Dan Scavino for an interview about communications with Russia. I appreciate your pursuit of truth through the Senate Judiciary Committee in spite of Chairman Grassley’s lack of meaningful focus. History will look kindly on you for seeking accountability. Thank you.
Address: 11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025

đŸ”¥Resistance. Every. Day.đŸ”¥

Called Senators Cornyn and Cruz:
It appears the president has renominated  Thomas Farr to a lifetime appointment to the US District Court. His history of defending voter suppression and targeting minority voters makes him unfit for this position. I would like the Senate to conduct a second hearing and for you to  oppose Farr’s appointment. Thanks.

Thank you note to Rep. Ro Khanna:
Thank You for calling for limits on the president’s powers to initiate a nuclear attack. Requiring congressional approval can make Americans safer. Thank you for your leadership.
Address: 900 Lafayette Street, Suite 206, Santa Clara, CA 95050-4966


  1. I was interested in the new edition of Texas Monthly [now that you mentioned Cruz], must remember to buy an issue and see what it tells us.

  2. OH Florence I admire you so much..... there is SO much to resist. Because our reps in Oregon are all "on our side" I let things slide. I should probably do what you do and email/postcard the Florida ones using our 4 month summer address (we don't vote here of course, but maybe they wouldn't check).... and your idea of sending thank yous to those who are fighting the good fight (like Sen. Feinstein) is a great idea. It must be so depressing for them some days. Thanks for the reminders; I will follow through.
