Sunday, December 24, 2017

The 2017 Political Emotional Rollercoaster

2017 Political Emotional Rollercoaster

I know there are many fine people who are not interested in politics or current events and that is fine with me but I am not one of them. As a rabid environmentalist, it is impossible for me to ignore current events and politics.  So if you are in the not interested group, you might want to skip this blog post.  

The year started off in shocked, numbed, utter disbelief.  A reality show host couldn’t possibly be elected POTUS. Yet, there it was. I tried not thinking about it, I read the book A Year of Living Danishly and tried to pretend I really lived in Denmark, I kept asking Why? Why? Why? 

Shock and disbelief gave way to hopelessness and depression.  I was so down about a side of my country that I had always assumed was a tiny, minority was actually much larger than I had ever thought. Listening to rallies where crowds of people shouted and screamed supporting positions that I naively thought could only have occurred in 1930s Germany.  When I got over the shock and sadness, I thought, “This isn’t going to happen again, not here, not now, not while I can do anything about it.”  So I got mad. 

I was angry, so very angry.  Oddly, I wasn’t so angry at BLOTUS (Biggest Liar of the United States) because he is who he is.  No, I was furious with the people who voted for him. As we moved into February and March, my fury grew to include Congress and the people who voted for them. But you know what? I can stay furious  for only so long. 

About that time I found Indivisible with a group right here in my Congressional District and I also found Americans of Conscience and the Fort Bend County Democratic Party. I can’t begin to express how much better it made me feel to know that there were so many other people who had gone through the same emotional  responses that I had and that there were concrete things that I can do to fight back, to resist, to not be the country that BLOTUS and his base represent. 

So right now I am focused. Focused on 2 things: Getting Beto O’Rourke elected as Senator and Sri Preston Kulkarni elected as TX-22 Congressman. I am guardedly hopeful. I am not certain that either can oust the incumbent. If they are able to do it, it will only be after a long hard fight. That’s where I am now, determined and focused. 2018 is going to be one interesting year. 


  1. I am there with you and you have been amazing with your action. Mostly I get angry and sad and worried...Not good. But my hair isn't falling out a year later. I hope we can put the pieces back together. I had no idea there were so many people angry that our country was becoming more diversified and were afraid and somehow think their values are the only values worth having. I have stopped talking to friends in person and online who support Trump and am sad that they were not the people I thought they were. My sister was thrilled about what happened in VA and she is politically active there. There is hope and a lot of us now and we need young people to care....Michelle

  2. Like you, Michelle, I simply had no idea. I was a pharmacist in a world renowned hospital for the last 20+ years of my working life and I was totally accustomed to working with and being part of a team with people from all over the world, all races, all religions. The election and re-election of Barack Obama, I took to mean that the hatred and racism was well on its way to oblivion. I was so wrong and it was a painful shock. 2018 where I live is going to be a fight. I can’t solve the world’s problems but I can work every to to get Ted Cruz out of the Senate and Pete Olson out of the House.

  3. Good luck with both local races Florence .... some wise person said ' think globally/ act locally' -- and I expect that is where it is easier to see results. I"m still in shock -- coming from the blue state Pacific Northwest I had no idea that there was such a huge part of our country so angry (and so easily led).
