Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Around OakMeadows

JMM staying warm under the cat and the dog. 

Marianna Scheffer has died of lung cancer. She faced it with grace, courage, and realism. She was a dear blogging friend and I can hardly believe that I will never again read her lively and insightful blog or see photos of her gorgeous orchids and her unique ceramics.  I am making a contribution to Planned Parenthood in her memory. I just can’t yet bring myself to take Hattie’s Web off my blog roll. 

When my daughter was a baby, she was prone to ear and throat infections. There is nothing so worrying to a young mother than a baby who is sick. We were very fortunate that we had insurance to give us access to good medical care.  We were able to take her to the doctor and to get prescriptions filled.  I always knew that medical help was there for her.  I cannot imagine the stress it must be to have a child and not be able to get needed medical treatment because there is no insurance for my baby.  Because our despicable Congress will not fund the Children’s Health Insurance Program and instead chose to pass tax cuts for their billionaire donors, this is exactly where many, many low income families find themselves. I am shamed that my country lacks the decency to provide insurance for our babies and children.  Shame on us all.

We are planning a trip to Washington, DC right after the first of the year in order to see the Vermeer exhibit at the National Gallery. I am very much looking forward to it and to seeing my daughter and her golden doodle puppy.  I hope the weather will cooperate. There is also a plan in progress for a trip to Rome next November.  But before that we are going to Pawhuska, OK to see Pioneer Woman’s Merc. 

I’ve just about finished my next quilt top. I won’t have it quilted until after the New Year though. Lots of good reading. I love a good history book and the one I have going right now is excellent, Franklin and Winston: An Intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship by Jon Meacham.  

That’s all the news from OakMeadows where the dog gets a new bed and the cats sleep on the electric blanket and the people love them dearly. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am sorry about the loss of your friend. It seems our government is more into keeping their donors happy than working for their voters. I can only hope they are all voted out in 2018. Our country seems to be the only one that does not want the people to have healthcare.
    I hope your Washington DC trip happens, the trip to Rome sounds awesome too. Enjoy your day!
