Friday, September 15, 2017

Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign by Jonathan Allen

I voted for her. I really wanted her to win. I thought Trump was a joke and the American people would never elect a reality-TV huckster POTUS. Never, it just couldn't happen. Until it did. But how did this happen? What on earth went wrong? According to Shattered, here are a few of the reasons. 
1. The campaign managers let her down. Turf wars. Too much analysis; too little on the ground. 
2. Email scandal not dealt with quickly. 
3. James Comey. 
4. Russian interference. 
5. Media. 
6. Hillary's penchant for focusing on the trees (or even the individual leaves on a particular tree) rather than the forest. 

It's a good book and I'm glad I read it even if I'm still shaking my head that it really did happen.


  1. Hello, I was shocked to see Trump win. He is very "unpresidential" . Now, he and his team seem very involved with the Russian's and their money. I just hope our next election is not hacked. I watched Hillary on the Rachel Maddox show, she is much smarter than Trump.

    I hope you have a happy day!

  2. Nobody could say she was the perfect candidate, but she'd be so many million times better than what we have now. I could NOT believe this country did not see through the disaster of a so-called president that we have now. Just unbelievable -- I still wake up, look at the news and think it must all be a bad dream.

    Do you think Bernie would have done better?

  3. Yes, I think Bernie would be infinitely preferable to Trump. But Bernie would have been as stymied as Obama was by the Republican Congress. IMHO. I just hope we can get through the next 3 years without starting a nuclear conflagration.
