Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Around OakMeadows

Around OakMeadows

I have recently discovered Hoopla through our library. I can check out up to 6 items per month directly onto my iPad. They have books, audiobooks, movies, and television programs.  I mostly use it for audiobooks. So far I have listened to 3 audiobooks through Hoopla: French Kids Eat Everything, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, and White Trash. It is so convenient and I love listening to audiobooks.  Check to see if your library uses Hoopla. 

We had only about 50% of the sun blocked during the eclipse. Our daughter traveled from D.C. to Nashville to see the total eclipse.  

I am gradually getting all the books back on the shelves. Both of us are not just bibliophiles but borderline biblioholics so in 49 years of marriage, we have collected quite a few books. When we had the carpet removed and hardwood put in two weeks ago, we had to take all the books out of the bookcases in order to move the bookcases. Now we get to sort them out and put them back. Some are like old friends who have traveled a lifetime with us.  One of those old friends is my original copy of Jane Goodall's My Life with the Wild Chimpanzees which I think I got in about 1968. 

The hummingbird migration may be just beginning maybe a week or 10 days earlier than usual.  We currently have 3 Ruby-throated hummingbirds.  I have 2 more feeders to put up as soon as I see a few more. I can't tell if the Monarchs are beginning to come through or not as we have had Monarchs all summer.  Quite a few Gulf Fritillaries and Giant Swallowtails.  

It appears that we will be in Afghanistan, et al. for another 16 years because no one seems to have the gumption to declare victory and bring the troops home. So we will continue to waste lives, limbs, and money in one cesspool after another.  At one time, we had civilian control of the military (which I happen to think is a very good idea) but now we don't even pretend that our military is under elected civilian control. 

That's all the news from OakMeadows where the cats, dog, and people are ready for cooler autumn temperatures.  


  1. I went out at sunrise to try to see what we could see of the eclipse from Hawaii, but there were too many clouds at the horizon.
    Yes. I am so sick of this war stuff dragging on and on. We are wasting life and treasure that can't be replaced.

  2. Hello, I am seeing more hummers at my feeders. I think the young ones are here battling out with the adults. I often check out free ebooks thru my library onto to my ipad, it done thru the website Overdrive and Amazon's Kindle. I wish we would bring our troops home, it does seem like a waste of money. I believe # 45 wants to go after all the minerals that are being found in Afghanistan. He is all about the money and not people's lives. We had cloudy skies in my neighborhood and missed the eclispe, maybe we will see it in 2024. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  3. Even I am ready for Fall temperatures about now -- and I'm sure we are no where near as hot as you. I am kind of unsure where in Texas you are (and my sense of geography is terrible anyway) --but I hope you are safe from this current tropical storm.

    It seems like everything in the country is messed up and it is frightening.
