Friday, May 12, 2017

Resistance. Every. Day.

I called the White House message line and expressed my disapproval of the unconstitutional executive order allowing religious organizations to endorse and donate to political candidates 

I sent a thank you to Mike Pence (never thought I'd do that!) for leaving Planned Parenthood in the omnibus budget bill. 

I sent a post card to Paul Ryan's home address shaming him for the AHCA. 

Called and left voice mail for Senators Cornyn and Cruz to support an independent investigation of the Trump campaign ties to Russia. 

Called Rep. Pete Olson's office to urge support for independent investigation of Trump campaign ties to Russia. 

Wrote a note to Sec. of Agriculture Sonny Perdue to oppose his plans to make school lunches less healthy. 

 I wrote a note to HUD Sec. Ben Carson stating my support for safe, clean, adequate housing for all citizens and that I was appalled to think anyone, much less the Secretary of HUD, would find anything less acceptable. 

I called again today the offices of Senator Cruz, Senator Cornyn, and Rep. Olson to urge their support for an independent investigation into the Trump campaign ties to Russia. 

I wrote a thank you note to Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) for publicly opposing the revised ACHA plan, that would "severely harm the health and lives" of her constituents. Putting people over party makes a great leader.

I tried to contact Senators Cruz and Cornyn but could not get through. Nevertheless, I will persevere and continue to call. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Florence -- you put my measly efforts to shame -- if all of us follow your example and persevere in our resistance efforts perhaps we'll get somewhere. I will try harder.
