Tuesday, May 2, 2017

McGovern Centennial Gardens at Hermann Park


  1. This looks like a fantastic place to stop for a while and take some photos. I visit public gardens often and am amazed at the talent and patience used to get stunning views.

  2. I love places like this. Special thanks for sharing Spring flowers -- I can't get enough of them (great memories).

  3. I alway find it interesting looking at flowers in other countries, and seeing if I recognise any. and some of yours we have in thye UK.
    All the best, Gordon.

  4. Gordon, I have been fortunate enough to visit several gardens in your beautiful country, although I can't remember the names of them. Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Oh I love all the flowers..I am so afraid that this very cold and rainy weather has killed what bees and butterflies we had. It has been so cold and wet in April and May....Michelle

  6. Hello, gorgeous blooms and blossoms. Lovely photos. I was away for two weeks and I am so sorry to be late commenting and visiting your post. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!
