Monday, March 27, 2017

Birds at the Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park

These are from our last trip to the Rio Grande Valley. We will be going again next month. 

Great Kiskadee

Green Jays

Not sure what kind of Woodpecker



  1. I'm sure I must have told you that we stayed at an RV Park right near the border of this beautiful park -- it was in April and we saw a lot of birds -- most especially the Green Jays, which of course I've never ever seen elsewhere. WE loved that place. When we were there, the RV park was almost empty -- all the snowbirds had left. And indeed we had spent the winter in Port Aransas and decided to make a trip through some of the rest of TX before heading home. It was a great time (hot, but we can handle that!)

  2. I absolutely love the Rio Grande Valley and go several times a year. (But never in the heat of the summer.) Bentsen is just one of about 5 spectacular birding and butterfly spots along the tip of the valley. I hope you get to go back one day.

  3. Hello, you see some wonderful birds there. I would love to see the Green Jay! I would love to visit this park some day. Gorgeous photos. Have a happy day!

  4. Hello Florence...I love the birds you posted and it makes me want to look into my oriole feeder and see if it is still in good shape... Michelle
