Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Around OakMeadows

Around OakMeadows 

ACHOO!! Sniffle, sneeze, cough. First, JMM was sick and then I inevitably caught it. I'm much better but still sniffling. 

Next, a bit of complaining. I bought an online course in Spanish language from Rosetta Stone several months ago. The lessons are excellent and I am enjoying them very much. However, I quite frequently have "technical issues" with it not loading or getting stuck. This involves the dreaded Technical Support Chat Line. Eventually, I get through; eventually I get someone who understands the problem; eventually I don't get disconnected; and eventually the problem gets solved. But in the meantime, I am aggravated and wish I'd just bought a Teach Yourself Spanish Book and a CD. 

I am so itching to get outside and get my garden cleaned up and ready to plant.  JMM has gone to the garden center this morning to get some plants to replace the ones that were killed by our 3 day freeze.  He is getting milkweed, blue mist flowers (new for us), Mexican heather which the bees love, and plumbago which does so well in the summer heat here. I hope by tomorrow that I'll be well enough to at least go pull up weeds. 

Quilting came to a complete stop while I had my head stuck in the box of tissues. Maybe next week, I can get some done.  

Still reading in Lindbergh  by A.Scott Berg.  Such an interesting person.  I tried listening to the audio of The Underground Railroad by Colton Whitehead but just couldn't get into it. Maybe I couldn't focus on it because of all the ibuprofen and antihistamines I was taking. I've heard so much good about it that I will probably give it another try. 

The early scout swallows are back and zooming around the house and porches.  Soon the rest of them will follow and then everyone will be busy rebuilding and refurbishing nests. And then there will be baby swallows to feed.  Swallow parents get very little rest.  And then I will be griping about having to clean all the baby bird poop off the porch. Such is life--the glory and the poop. 

Not much cooking last week. Thank goodness for Schwan's frozen meals. 

That's all the news from OakMeadows where the cats eat Fancy Feast and the people eat Schwan's frozen meals.


  1. Well, I DO hope you both feel much better and soon! Spring will be here before you know it and then that Texas Summer HEAT soon after. Around here, it's been flooding and heavy rains continue. Our yard, tho we've been out working for a bit, it just way too muddy and squishy...

    Take care. the plumbago color!!

  2. Get better soon. This has been such a bad season for respiratory diseases and sinus trouble.
    Are you after attracting butterflies? We planted milkweed and have monarch caterpillars, and I saw a beautiful monarch in our yard yesterday. Quite a thrill, especially in Hawaii!!!

  3. Hope you're feeling better by now..... I have a cold and cough too at the moment (I don't know whether to call it a summer cold or what, since it is around 80 - 90 degrees here right now)....I am trying hard not to give it to Bill, because it is more serious if he gets sick.
    I printed your chowder recipe in the post below -- sounds wonderful. We like soup even when it is hot.
