Monday, March 20, 2017

A Morning at Brazos Bend State Park


  1. Would love to visit there! Wonderful park and birds...

  2. What a full morning! These critters are great to see since these guys don't live around my house! Well, I do get the occasional heron stopping at the cattle trough behind the house :)

  3. How wonderful! Love all the scenes. It's just so perfect in Texas during the Spring months.

  4. Nani, Texas is darn near perfect in the Spring! IMHO. But we didn't go on our yearly bluebonnet field trip this year. Bluebonnets and Paintbrushes!

  5. Hello, I always enjoy seeing the pretty herons and egrets. I had enough sightings of the gators while in Florida. Looks like a great park for birding. Have a happy day!

  6. So many wonderful shore birds and the alligator in photo number one looked very large and way too close for comfort!

  7. Hi Florence, thanks for dropping by in my blogpost. That area is so lovely with those inhabitants, but scary as well if you bump into that crocodile, OMG, i wonder if it will be faster than my scared running!

  8. Wonderful park to see all those great birds..I need to get down to the Niagara River this season and see what I can see.....Michelle
