Monday, August 8, 2016

One Hot Mama

Mama raccoon cools off in the birdbath then she climbs the tree and drapes herself across a limb to drip dry and cool off. 


  1. LOL, funny sighting of the raccoon on the bird bath. It must be too hot there. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. This is just so cool!!! What a great find...and hilarious to boot.

  3. So it's way too hot where you are, too. I gave up on nobly enduring the heat and humidity and am now hiding out in my office with the window A.C. on.

  4. Gee, I wonder I'd that is how mind got knocked over.... Smart girl.... I am behind Florence... I will be writing an update post on my fun..well not fun... Michelle

  5. LOL...awww that is funny. Must be very hot

  6. That's one of the funniest things I've seen today!! How great that she knows how to cool off in the hot weather! Great photos.
