Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Life is difficult

One of the blogs I read is Thrifty at Sixty. It is a well written, interesting blog.  Cindi's husband has recently been diagnosed with cardiac problems at age 59. It is doubtful that he will ever be able to work again. They are neither destitute nor enormously wealthy, but like many, somewhere in the middle. They are facing some difficult changes in life.  Cindi wrote a post about always expecting a catastrophe just around the corner.  I think she was just overwhelmed with the seriousness of her husband's condition and the unknown situation in the future.  I don't live expecting a catastrophe but I think life is difficult. Not just for me, life is difficult in general.  I think everyone has problems that must be dealt with in a reasonable manner.  It makes me treasure the good times and the good people in my life.  It makes me cautious not to take anything for granted. I think once Cindi knows the extent of her husband's cardiac damage and knows what limitations he will live with, she will make plans for handling the changes. I wouldn't want to live constantly expecting catastrophe but I think it is wise to realize that life is difficult.  


  1. Yes, life is difficult. I am sorry for your blogger friend's husband. The not knowing I think is the worse.... I will keep them in my thoughts... Michelle

  2. When I start thinkng negatively, my daughter says, "Don't clean up the wreckage of the future Mom"

  3. Life is perilous, right from the time the sperm hits that egg. So we have to deal with its joys and vicissitudes as best we can.

  4. Life can be hard and unfair ... And in my experience it goes up and down. . But a shame not to enjoy the good times without waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop. During difficult times, I envy people I know ( and love) who are better able to compartmentalize ... Enjoying the good parts of life even while other s(tuff) is going on. I work toward that.
