Thursday, April 14, 2016

Around OakMeadows

With JMM away for 12 days, I signed up for a Medical Alert system. I checked Consumer Reports and Medical Alert seemed to have what I needed and did not require a contract.  It is $145/quarter. They sent a pendant that I wear around my neck and a bracelet which I don't use because it is black and ugly.  There is a small monitoring device that I plugged in. I did the testing to make sure it works and it does.  I've set it off accidentally twice, once I bumped it against the kitchen counter and once I dropped it. To cancel the alert you simply press and hold the button. So now if I slip and fall, there's a good chance someone will come to my aid in a timely manner.  I hope. 

We have more Monarch butterflies than we have ever had.  I counted 12 chrysalis on various places around our back porch today.  Our poor milkweed patch looks so bedraggled.  We need more milkweed! 

I've put my Starz quilt on hold until JMM gets home and can help me layer and pin it.  In the meantime, I have started a nine patch using fabric from my leftover stash.  

I finally finished the biography of James Madison. It was long --671 pages.  But it was excellent!  What a brilliant mind!  (It also made me feel a little better about our current political free-for-all after reading about the political fights before, during, and after his two terms as President.  Congress could be just as ornery and obstructionist then as now.)

I may be moving my blog to WordPress because I am unable to load photos using Blogger. We shall see. 

It's been quiet around OakMeadows this past week. 


  1. I guess I better read that bio... I am so disheartened I need to know we will survive all this! Glad for your protection but I hope it is insurance you don't ever need. Take care!

  2. Hello, your flowers are lovely. I can not wait to plant some annuals here. I am looking forward to seeing butterflies around the yard. I am glad you have the medical alert, but I hope you never have to use it. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Its been a while, but I seem to recall Madison (a Federalist) and Jefferson (State's Rights advocate) argued a lot, although they were neighbors at Monticello. This argument has plagued the nation since then.
