Thursday, March 24, 2016

March Around Oak Meadows

Gorgeous spring weather here. Wildflowers are blooming. Our much loved swallows are back and repairing their nests. We have Monarch caterpillars chomping on the milkweed; JMM counted 16 on one day.  The trees are leafing out and the grass is growing.  Very few bees around the Mexican heather so far though. And best of all my hands and feet are thawing out! 

I watched Bridge of Spies this evening on a Netflix DVD. It was about the exchange of Francis Gary Powers, an American U-2 pilot shot down over the USSR, for a convicted Soviet spy.  Tom Hanks did a superb performance as the lawyer who first defended the spy and then negotiated the exchange.  I remember the tense times of the Cold War in the early 1960s and I remember the downing of the U-2 spy plane but I don't think I knew much more than that we got him back.  Excellent movie.

Quilting has just come to a complete stop.  No real reason, I just haven't gotten around to doing any of it.  

Politics, at least on the Republican side, is a complete circus.  Can anyone explain to me why Jeb Bush decided to back Ted Cruz and not the more rational John Kasich? It's a mystery to me. I'm a Bernie supporter but will vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination so I should be glad the Republicans are stark, raving bonkers but as a citizen, I find it distinctly embarrassing. 

I've been cooking as usual: We had Corned Beef, Cabbage, and Carrots on St. Patrick's Day and I made Pioneer Woman's Chicken Parmesan on Tuesday. Right now I have a meatloaf and sweet potatoes in the oven. Strawberries are coming in so I think I'll make a pound cake, slice some fresh strawberries, and whip up some whipped cream for strawberry shortcake. 

I finished The Gilded Age by Sara Donati and it was excellent historical fiction. I can hardly wait for the next book in the series to come out. I've got another 140 pages to go in Madison: A Biography by Ralph Ketcham. It is ungodly long but well worth the time reading.  And for fun, I've started the latest Commissario Brunetti book by Donna Leon, The Waters of Eternal Youth.  So many books, so little time. 

That's all the news from OakMeadows where the deer are eating the new plants and the people are helpless to stop them.


  1. Mmmmmm, fresh strawberries and pound cake!! Scrumptious.
    Yep, the wildflowers and Spring migration...a great time for Texas!

    Don't get me started on the politicking of this country this time 'round. It IS embarrassing to say the least.

  2. Hello, cute bird and photo. I love spring time with the flowers in bloom. I would like to see Bernie win. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

  3. You do get such good bird photos. Mine seldom come out good. I suppose you saw Bernie and the sparrow in Portland. A nice moment in a very contentious political season.

  4. Yep, you know I agree with you on the embarrassing political circus .... (And on the fact that as a Democrat maybe I should be glad for the chaos). But the pessimist in me is still afraid.
    Your last line made me smile ....sorry bout your budding garden plants though. I used to love the deer that visited when we lived in the country in Oregon, but my gardening neighbors were not nearly as enamored!

  5. This is such a nasty political season...
