Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Around OakMeadows

Foggy morning showing off the dew drenched spider webs.

 We've had some needed rain but the wind has nearly blown us away! I guess we are getting our March winds a bit early.  My yard looks the best that it has ever looked.  It is perfectly trimmed and edged, mowed, the sidewalks and porches blown clean, and the beds and trees are mulched. They are coming back to put in some more plants and it will be even more beautiful. 

I'm so pleased with the quilt top. Next, I need to make the back piece.  Then for the batting, I have so many pieces of leftover batting that I am going to whip stitch the pieces together to make a piece large enough for the batting for this quilt.  Hope to get this done this week. 

I'm less than enthusiastic about SPQR by Mary Beard. She takes forever to say that they really don't know much about the earliest beginnings of Rome. Hope it gets better.  In opposition to SPQR, Madison: A Biography by Ralph Ketcham just keeps getting better and better. I am now on the section where the states are having conventions to determine ratification of the Constitution.  It makes me feel better about today's political turmoil to read how contentious the ratification process was.  Lastly, I have a good fiction book in progress too. Secrets of a Charmed Life by Susan Meissner has me enthralled. 

That's all the news from OakMeadows where the cats all nap in the sunshine and the people do too. 


  1. Hello, the web shot is cool! We are having a lot of rain today. I am looking forward to some sunny warm spring days. I hope to see your quilt when it is done! Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  2. I just read about how some readers were challenging themselves (on Presidents' Day I think) to read a biography of every President. There are a couple I can't imagine anyone taking time to write a book about, but I know when I've read about a President's life I have always learned something. (And anything to cheer me up about our present 'mess would be a good thing. Probably better for my aging brain than just ignoring the whole darn thing by hiding my head in the sand.

  3. I was thinking about reading this book on Rome. Seems its quite long but it was one of the top 100 books in 2015, says the NY Times..

  4. Schmidley, I've been underwhelmed by SPQR so far. I'm hoping it will improve as a get further into it.

    Sallie, this book on Madison is very long but I am just enthralled by the political debates over the ratification of the Constitution and the strong feelings on each side. But you know what? They all managed to debate and discuss and remain civil to one another. Imagine that!

  5. Trying to catch up with you....those muffins in the morning sound so scrumptious!! And your quilt top....magnificent. Beautiful colors. I would piece together the batting too. It's expensive.

    And then, the books. Have you ever watched the HBO special [a few years back, it may be online to watch free] on John Adams. I was so impressed with it, I had Bud order it on Amazon. I think it's a 6 part series. It too is about the Constitution and its beginnings...up to his presidency and death the same day as Jefferson.

  6. Hi Anni, I will definitely look for the John Adams HBO series. Thanks.
