Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Around OakMeadows

Around OakMeadows. 

As I listen to NPR's reporting on the election campaigning, I keep hearing that Americans are angry, voters are angry, the candidates are angry. But I'm not angry, not even a little bit. I'm pretty much happy most of the time.  It isn't because I'm not interested in politics because I certainly am. I am supporting Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary because I have read his policy platform and agree with the majority of his policies from supporting Social Security and Medicare, to Universal Healthcare, to stopping never ending wars here, there, and everywhere.  If he does not get the nomination, I'll vote for Hillary Clinton.  That's it. What's to be 
upset or angry about? You don't agree with me? That's fine with me, go 
right ahead and support your candidate. I'll tell you what I like about my candidate and you can tell me what you like about your candidate and then we can go eat dinner, or out to a movie, or just go birding. 

The Sandhill Cranes are here in the hundreds. The rice fields are full of them all over the county.  They are such lovely birds. I don't have photos because there is no place to park on Hwy. 762 which is a 2 lane road with deep irrigation ditches on either side. 
We are still overrun with goldfinches. We have never in the 12 years we have lived here had anywhere near the number of goldfinches. 

Finally finished the baby quilt. Now I am waiting for the fabric for my next quilt to arrive.  This next quilt will be for my DD & DSIL.  After that I am doing a scrap quilt to try to use up some of my stash. 

JMM and I are reading Founding Mothers by Cokie Roberts aloud to each other each evening and it is one of the most interesting books I have read in a long time.  We all know about the Founding Fathers but who has ever given thought to their wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters.  While the men were busy fomenting revolution, it was the women who held the home 
together, ran the farm or business, reared the numerous children, and ran with their children from the British when the invaders for too close.  Excellent!

Lots of good cooking this week. I'm trying a new recipe from Pioneer Woman's Dinnertime cookbook, Chicken Mozzarella Pasta.  It sounds promising anyway. I'll let you know how it turns out. 

The house painter is coming tomorrow to give me an estimate for painting the interior of the house. I was always enjoyed being the painter of the interior but I am not able to do it anymore. 

Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. She died in 1975 and I still miss her. What a strong woman she was.

That's all the news from OakMeadows where the goldfinches eat their fill and the humans get a hernia from hauling around 40 pound sacks of sunflower seeds. 


  1. I see a photo of a quilt in your previous post....love the colors!!!
    As far as politicking goes, I have yet to 'pick' anyone....as time goes by, I'll let you know.

    And the birds...right now, tho I wanted to go birding today, I think we'll stay home...it's supposed to get really cold.

  2. American politics are a mystery to me. I live in Canada. Your politics are MUCH more colourful than Canada's. LOL

  3. Florence -- I like you are not angry about the political situation. I like you am for Bernie or Hilary. Let the best man or woman win. I find the media ridiculously biased in their political reporting.

    Great post -- Like the Lake Wobegone finish. -- barbara

  4. Hi, Barbara! It is so nice to see you posting again! You have such a good eye for photography.

    Camera Girl, our politics is a mystery to us too!

  5. We aren't angry either but sometimes we wish we were back in western Oregon where we would not be the only people supporting the candidates you support! Here in this 55 plus resort where many people are originally from the Midwest we sometimes feel alone in the wilderness. I hope I can remember your calm attitude next time somebody starts a conversation from which I want to run away.

    Thanks for the reminder of Cokie's book -- I've been meaning to get on the wait list at the library.

  6. Hi Sallie! a couple of weeks ago every other story on NPR was about how frightened and anxious everyone was of terrorism and now we are all angry. And I'm neither. I guess the media has to stir things up to keep people listening. But really, this frightened Americans or angry Americans thing is tiresome. IMHO.

  7. I'm not angry either. Who are these angry people? Perhaps its all in the reporters minds?

  8. I'm not angry either. Who are these angry people? Perhaps its all in the reporters minds? Tried to leave a comment, but it was rejected. Signing in as annoymous...Dianne
